Top 10 Teas That Will Get Rid of Your Cough Instantly!

Everyone can agree — having a cough is not fun at all. It can drain your energy and disrupt your ability to go through your days normally because you’re feeling under the weather. We all want to get rid of a cough fast and easy, and tea is just the natural remedy that will make your cough disappear! How and what teas, you ask? Well, here’s your one-stop to all the answers you seek about teas that get rid of coughs.

Triggers of Cough

Before we get into the list of teas, it’s best to know what actually triggers a cough. Sometimes it can come rather abruptly and out of nowhere, and that’s perfectly normal. A cough can help to clear your airways and keep your throat clear from unwanted substances like phlegm.

There are also other triggers to cough. It’s common to get a cough from a viral infection, bacterial infection, allergies, acid reflux, sinus infection and even asthma. It can also be triggered by a cold

Most of the time, coughs can be treated by over-the-counter medicines but if you’re looking for a natural way to get rid of coughs, some types of tea does just the trick! Here’s the recommended list of teas that will get rid of your cough completely!

1. Thyme Tea

Thyme tea is great for coughs. Thyme has been used by some cultures for respiratory related illnesses and has proven to show successful results. The leaves of thyme have compounds called flavonoids that help the throat muscles to relax and reduce inflammation in the area. There have been studies that show cough syrup with thyme in the ingredients list has far better effects than those without. It’s recommended to mix ivy in thyme tea for the best effects to relieve cough as well as prevent bronchitis.

2. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is such an all-rounder tea that benefits various parts of the body, including the throat. It has healing properties that can help in getting rid of the cough. The menthol content in peppermint is ideal in soothing the throat. It also acts as a type of decongestant to break down the mucus and prevent any blockage in the airways. Other than drinking peppermint tea, you can also inhale peppermint vapours from a steam bath of peppermint. 

3. Horehound Leaf Tea

Horehound leaf tea is not a usual suspect for natural remedies to relieve cough. But it has been used for quite some time to ease cough symptoms. Horehound leaf tea can provide analgesic effects that can rid of the pain that comes from coughing. It also has antispasmodic effects that soothe the muscles and prevent more inflammation. If you drink horehound leaf tea consistently, it might decrease the frequency of coughs for you in the future.

4. Marshmallow Root Tea

This tea type has a long history of usage specifically for coughs and also sore throats. Marshmallow root tea is made from the marshmallow root herb that is known to ease irritation due to its high mucilage content, which is a thick substance that coats the throat and acts as a cushion for it. Marshmallow root tea comes in bag form for convenience, but to get the most natural tea it’s best to use the actual herb. They also come in the form of supplements.

5. Ginger Tea

Due to its anti inflammatory properties, ginger tea is one of the ideal types of tea for getting rid of coughs, ideally dry or asthmatic coughs. Ginger tea helps in relaxing the membranes in the airways and reduces irritation from coughs. There have been studies that prove the content in ginger tea being a successful natural remedy for coughs. Regardless if it’s ginger tea bags or making tea from the actual ginger root itself, it’s definitely a must to have by your bedside.

6. Honey Tea

Honey is an essential ingredient to relieving coughs. People have been using tea for centuries to get rid of coughs and sore throats as it relaxes the muscles in the airways. Some studies even suggest that honey works better than over-the-counter medicines for coughing. This natural remedy can come in various forms. Honey tea can be made from just mixing honey with warm water, or combine it with another herbal tea. 

7. Licorice Root Tea

A type of tea can be delicious and sweet but also quite beneficial to the human body. The licorice root tea is made from the licorice root and is extremely sweet — 50 times more than sugar. This tea has long been used to treat throat-related conditions like coughs and other medical conditions. Licorice root tea has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that helps in soothing the cough symptoms.

8. Green Tea

Green tea needs absolutely no introduction. It is famous for being extremely beneficial to the human body and can be used for various medicinal purposes, including getting rid of coughs. Green tea helps to detoxify the body and boosts immunity, which assists in fighting off the cough. This tea also prevents the growth and spread of bacteria, allowing the body to rid the virus or bacteria that causes the cough.

9. Iceland Moss Tea

If you have not heard of this type of tea, well, you have now. Iceland moss tea is one of the best natural remedies to fend off the cough. The tea contains mucilage that coats the throat to ease irritation from the cough. Some studies have shown that iceland moss tea is an instant relief for cough symptoms with no side effects and interactions. Try a cup of warm, soothing iceland moss tea for yourself — it might be a bit bitter so add some sweeteners to suit your tastes.

10. Rooibos Tea

The rooibos tea isn’t the first option for treating the cough, but it is actually quite effective in getting rid of it. This tea is made from red bush, which is a South African plant. Rooibos tea has an abundant amount of antioxidants that are great for treating coughs by soothing the throat muscles. The rooibos tea is also suitable for children as well, unlike other herbal teas.

Other Natural Methods That Can Help Coughing

While tea is essentially the best natural remedy to get rid of cough, there are also other natural methods. Combine one of the teas above with any of the other natural methods below for twice the effectiveness and twice the time of treating the cough.

1. Bromelain 

Who would’ve thought that pineapple can be a cough remedy. That’s because pineapple has an enzyme called bromelain that’s found in this fruit only. It helps in suppressing the cough symptoms as well as loosen the mucus in the throat. The anti-inflammatory properties of pineapples are also effective in breaking down mucus and ridding it from the body.

2. Probiotics

While probiotics are not directly linked to getting rid of cough, it helps to boost the immune system so that your body will be able to fight off the bacteria quicker. With a stronger immune system, you’re not prone to get a cough as often as before. Add some foods that are rich in probiotics like miso soup, yogurt and kimchi in your diet. There are also supplements out there to boost your probiotics intake.

3. Salt Water Gargle

This is a traditional method, but it does wonders. Gargling salt water rids of irritation in the throat and soothes cough symptoms like sore throat. 

4. Steam

Take a hot shower or use a humidifier. Breathing in more moisture and heat may loosen up the airways and mucus, soothing any irritation and discomfort from cough symptoms.


While it’s not always possible to avoid getting a cough, there are things you can do to lower your risk of getting it. Here are some pointers to help avoid the possibility of contracting a cough:

  • Keep a safe distance from people who have a cough, cold or flu.
  • Maintain personal hygiene like washing your hands and not touching your face unnecessarily.
  • Constantly disinfect your common areas as well as hands using soap or sanitizer.
  • Eat foods that will help boost your immune system.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Maintain a proper sleeping schedule.

There are also allergy shots that you can take to prevent getting coughs caused by allergies.

Let’s face it, coughs can be rather irritating. Sometimes, even though we do our best to prevent catching it, it’s inevitable. It’s always great to have a ready supply of natural remedies at home, or as close as your bedside table, to combat the cold as soon as you get it. What’s more natural than drinking fresh tea brewed from natural tea leaves? It gets rid of your cough and has other health benefits — two in one!

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