Everything You Need to Know About Assam Tea

Assam tea is a popular choice that is widely used as an English breakfast tea. Assam tea is rich in caffeine making it the perfect beverage for starting your day energized and refreshed. With the rich malty flavor characteristic of black teas, Assam tea is a favorite among tea lovers. With a multitude of health benefits, Assam tea is a common fixture in many breakfast tables and for good reason.

What is Assam Tea?

Assam tea is a black tea variety that is produced from the leaves of the plant Camellia Sinensis var. assamica. Assam tea is native to the Assam state of northern India from which it gets its name.

To produce Assam tea, the leaves from the Camellia Sinensis var. assamica are sheared from the plant. They are then torn into smaller pieces and then crushed. Doing this speeds up the oxidation process of the tea and maximizes the quantity and quality of the Assam tea produced.

The rich flavor of Assam tea can be attributed to its production process which involves withering the harvested Assam tea leaves then oxidizing them in a controlled environment. The fermentation process stimulates chemical changes in the Assam tea leaves lending them a unique color and distinct flavor.

How does Assam Tea Taste?

Assam tea has a robust, malty, full-bodied and earthy flavor. Assam tea has a characteristic rich color and a deep aroma that is sharp and distinct. The texture of Assam tea is creamy with sweet buttery undertones.

Most Assam tea lovers will add a splash of milk and sweetener to their brew to compliment the rich flavor and astringent flavor. However, it can also be taken without any milk or sweeteners.

Does Assam Tea Contain Caffeine?

Of all the true tea varieties which include white tea, green tea, black tea and oolong tea; black tea contains the highest caffeine content. One cup of Assam tea typically contains 50-90 milligrams of caffeine. Depending on how long you steep your tea when brewing, and the quantity of tea leaves you use, this caffeine content may vary slightly.

Compared to coffee, the caffeine content in Assam tea is lower at 50 – 90 mg per cup because the per cup caffeine content in coffee is 100 – 150mg.

Top Health Benefits of Assam Tea

Taylors of Harrogate Pure Assam

1. Improve Mental Focus and Alertness

As far as breakfast teas go, Assam tea is one of the best. Rich in caffeine and antioxidants, Assam tea will give you the energy boost you need to take on the day. The caffeine boost you get from Assam tea helps to improve mental alertness and focus.

The antioxidants in Assam tea have been found to be effective in curbing oxidative stress in the brain and thereby boosting brain health and cognitive functions. A cup of Assam tea will help you to concentrate better by energizing and invigorating the mind.

2. Boost the Immune System

A weakened immune system makes us more susceptible to infections such as colds and flu. Black teas such as Assam tea are rich in essential minerals and antioxidants that help boost the body’s ability to fend off infections. A nice warm cup of Assam tea sweetened with honey may just be the natural remedy you need to deal with cold and flu symptoms.

A healthy digestive tract depends on the activity of good bacteria to keep disease-causing microorganisms at bay. Assam tea contains polyphenols that function as prebiotics in the gut. Prebiotics typically support the growth and maintenance of healthy bacteria in your gut which fight harmful bacteria and keep the digestive tract healthy.

3. Good for your Skin

Blemishes, acne, wrinkles and age spots are all common skin problems that occur when toxins or free radicals accumulate in the body. The antioxidant properties of Assam tea may help in cleansing the blood of toxins and keeping it free from free radicals resulting in healthy and radiant skin.

Skin is usually an outer reflection of our internal health so making healthy beverages such as Assam tea part of your diet will help you fix your skin problems from the inside out. Apart from antioxidants, Assam tea is also rich in vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin E which are essential for healthy skin.

Premature aging occurs in the skin in the form of fine lines and wrinkles partly caused by the accumulation of toxins. Healthy beverages that are rich in antioxidants such as Assam tea help by eliminating free radicals and toxins enabling the skin to renew and replenish itself and remain healthy.

3. Boost Cardiovascular Health

One of the predisposing factors for heart disease is the buildup of bad cholesterol causing the buildup of plaque in the blood vessels. When the blood vessels are thinned by the plaque buildup, the heart is not able to pump blood efficiently. This is why it is important to keep LDL cholesterol levels low.

Assam tea is rich in polyphenols that have been found to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood thereby protecting your heart and blood vessels from potential damage. Using natural remedies such as Assam tea to boost your health profile is always a great way to keep diseases at bay in a natural and safe way.

4. Anti-inflammatory Properties

Inflammation in the body can lead to the development of chronic conditions, Assam tea is rich in antioxidants which help in preventing cell damage by reducing inflammation and eliminating free radicals from the body.

The natural compounds in black tea such as catechins, theaflavins, and thearubigins, are responsible for the antioxidant properties of Assam tea. A healthy body requires regulation of inflammation to avoid cell and tissue damage which results in complications such as swelling and pain in the affected part of the body.

Make the best of the natural health properties of Assam tea by sipping on a refreshing cup regularly.

5. Anti-cancer Properties

Initial research studies have indicated that there may be a link between the consumption of black tea and a reduced risk of cancers such as skin and lung cancer. While research is still ongoing on this anti-cancer properties, the health properties of Assam tea are many and make a strong case for including Assam tea to your diet. A refreshing black tea that energizes and boosts your health profile at the same time is definitely a winning combination.

How to Make Assam Tea

When it comes to brewing Assam tea, it is a simple process. Assam tea is widely available in grocery stores and online. Always opt for higher quality brands since they usually have a higher composition of the beneficial compounds that give Assam tea its health-boosting properties.


Assam loose leaf tea or Assam tea bags, water.


  • Step 1: Heat two cups of water.
  • Step 2: Once the water has boiled, remove from the heat and let it cool for 1–2 minutes. A water temperature of approx. 195 ºF is ideal.
  • Step 3: Use 8 ounces of water per tea bag of Assam tea. If you are using loose leaf Assam tea leaves use a teaspoonful of Assam tea leaves per 8 ounces of water.
  • Step 4: Allow the Assam tea leaves to steep for three minutes. Do not over steep as Assam tea will become more bitter the longer it is steeped.
  • Step 5: Strain into a cup and enjoy. Assam tea is best taken without additives or sweeteners but you can add a splash of milk or sweetener to taste.

When purchasing Assam tea, you will find that some brands will sell it as Assam black tea, or breakfast tea. Assam tea may also be referred to as English breakfast tea and some brands will market it as Irish breakfast tea. Breakfast teas commonly found in grocery stores or online may be pure Assam tea or blends of Assam tea with other types of tea.

How to Brew your Homemade English Breakfast Tea

If you want to go for the full English breakfast experience you can blend your Assam tea with a different blend to create the perfect English breakfast tea. Here is a simple English breakfast tea recipe you can follow.


Assam loose leaf tea, Darjeeling tea, water, milk, sugar to taste

  • Step 1: Heat your water and let it boil.
  • Step 2: Combine your Assam tea and Darjeeling tea in a ratio of 60:40. This combination works well because the Assam tea will make the brew robust while the Darjeeling black tea will infuse a unique flavor to the mix.
  • Step 3: Once the water has boiled, remove from heat and let it cool for 1–2 minutes. A water temperature of approx. 195 ºF is ideal.
  • Step 4: Pour the hot water over your blend of Assam and Darjeeling tea. Use a teaspoon of the blend for every 8 ounces of water.
  • Step 5: Allow the tea to steep for approximately three minutes.
  • Step 6: Strain the tea into a cup and add a splash of milk. Add sugar or sweetener of your choice if required.

Side Effects of Assam Tea

Assam tea contains caffeine and is therefore not recommended for people who are sensitive to caffeine. Moderate consumption of Assam tea is best, no more than three cups a day, in order to avoid side effects of too much caffeine such as heart palpitations, sleep problems or restlessness.

People with anemia should also avoid consuming Assam tea since it is rich in tannins which may interfere with iron absorption in the body. Tannins may bind with iron and inhibit absorption into the body posing a problem for anaemics.

Assam tea is a rich and healthy beverage that makes for a great breakfast tea. With a full-bodied flavor and an energizing effect, Assam tea is a healthy way to start your day while reaping the amazing health benefits of black tea. Assam tea is widely available and easy to prepare. This means that you can enjoy a cup of this refreshing beverage at home any time you need a quick pick me up.

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